Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Language of Polarity, the Language of Unity

In • divide • dual.
One consciousness is split into separate bodies, with a dual nature: man and woman, spirit and flesh, right and left, X and Y, yin and yang. The cosmic duality dances an endless dance of coming together and splitting apart.

The word spells the nature of our being, but only when we really see or hear it. The language that we use to communicate globally, English, has a second layer of meaning that is very thinly veiled by the spelling. The spelling is a ‘spell’ that we are caught in. Unraveling the spell reveals a path to freedom that has been echoed by spiritual masters through the ages. Sometimes called the Middle Way, sometimes a union of opposites. The characteristics of the path and the nature of both ego and spirit are spelled out in our common everyday language. English, or should I say ANGLE-ish.

The second language of English cannot be accessed just in a linear fashion, using straight line logic. While it IS logical, it is a kind of ‘super-logic’. It’s a little bit like peripheral vision. The totality of what you can ‘see’ with your eyes is only describable in language by strings of words, linear sequences. The mind breaks these linear sequences up into whole images again, and gives them meaning. But the linear sequences are made up of forms and sounds and these forms and sounds paint a picture in invisible ink that becomes apparent (a parent) when you allow the words to ‘fall upon’ your hearing or your vision, with a beginner’s mind. In order to seek whence they come from you have to see and hear in a whole new way, a holographic way.

Opposition, is an O position, and contains the ‘posit’ of ‘positive’ in it. This means that opposition is 2 points in a circle, a whole, and so it is in essence an illusion. Essence is S sense, and S is a snake, or the feminine serpentine energy that winds up the Pole of polarity, and the spine to meet it’s opposite, and grow wings to ascend.

God is an abstract idea, so we’ve created many many images of things that are holy, in order to define what is essentially undefinable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful way of opening my eyes to new meanings that were hidden there all the time! Thanks.