Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Devil Made Me Do It

It is because our shadow scares us that it assumes mythic proportions. The boogie man abounds: whether it’s Satan or Saddam Hussein and they become the targets of our attacks. We focus all our energy on eliminating what we’ve defined as the ‘axis of evil’ the thing on the outside, believing that this will make us whole. But by fighting evil with evil we are doing the very thing that we are condemning: violence and terror. It’s twice wrong. How can it ever be right? But evil always negates itself eventually. That’s how the good prevails. Before the shadow and before the vale.

There’s a cosmic law at work here. And you could say “The devil made me do it.”

But when you look the devil in the face and you finally realize that the devil is a coat on a rack that looked like a man lurking in your bedroom at night when you were a child: a figment of our collective fear given shape by the imagination and solidified in time. Everything that resonates in our common memory goes back at least 2000 years. And it’s all polarized. The story of Christ is a story of poles, symbolized by the cross: opposing forces, and One is crucified in the center.

The whole of religion, both Eastern and Western has been an idolization of the ego-personality who became a Christ or a Buddha or a Mohammed, or achieved mastery of any kind. The very thing they themselves warn not to do.

I believe that the situations of life bend you and break you and shape you and stretch you for this one purpose only, your own transformation from ego to spirit. Finally in some lucky lifetime it dawns on you that this is what’s happening, and you become “malleable” to the process. You stop resisting so much. It’s what Christ did and what Buddha did, and scores of others, to lesser degree. Their stories are all unique, and they manifest completely differently based on their character and circumstance. But always there is high drama before the transformation. And always, a confrontation with the shadow. What transforms them into extraordinary beings is their choice to love at the moments of crisis.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Language of Polarity, the Language of Unity

In • divide • dual.
One consciousness is split into separate bodies, with a dual nature: man and woman, spirit and flesh, right and left, X and Y, yin and yang. The cosmic duality dances an endless dance of coming together and splitting apart.

The word spells the nature of our being, but only when we really see or hear it. The language that we use to communicate globally, English, has a second layer of meaning that is very thinly veiled by the spelling. The spelling is a ‘spell’ that we are caught in. Unraveling the spell reveals a path to freedom that has been echoed by spiritual masters through the ages. Sometimes called the Middle Way, sometimes a union of opposites. The characteristics of the path and the nature of both ego and spirit are spelled out in our common everyday language. English, or should I say ANGLE-ish.

The second language of English cannot be accessed just in a linear fashion, using straight line logic. While it IS logical, it is a kind of ‘super-logic’. It’s a little bit like peripheral vision. The totality of what you can ‘see’ with your eyes is only describable in language by strings of words, linear sequences. The mind breaks these linear sequences up into whole images again, and gives them meaning. But the linear sequences are made up of forms and sounds and these forms and sounds paint a picture in invisible ink that becomes apparent (a parent) when you allow the words to ‘fall upon’ your hearing or your vision, with a beginner’s mind. In order to seek whence they come from you have to see and hear in a whole new way, a holographic way.

Opposition, is an O position, and contains the ‘posit’ of ‘positive’ in it. This means that opposition is 2 points in a circle, a whole, and so it is in essence an illusion. Essence is S sense, and S is a snake, or the feminine serpentine energy that winds up the Pole of polarity, and the spine to meet it’s opposite, and grow wings to ascend.

God is an abstract idea, so we’ve created many many images of things that are holy, in order to define what is essentially undefinable.


On 9/11, a state of emergency was created. A plane with people willing to die (and kill) for their cause flew out of the Middle-East, where the feminine is most suppressed and where their religion is war, and flew into the West, where the feminine is not at all suppressed but suffers from a case of mistaken identity. Yin masquerading as Yang rules New York City, the most egocentric city in the world. The twin towers, two magnificent erections, the heart of capitalism, world trade.

And what has the West traded in exchange for it’s magnificence? Why it’s traded it’s femininity and replaced it with a twin tower. Two towers of Babel, that have toppled.

So the Middle east are in T-error, because war can never be holy, and the West are T-errorized, and they also wage an unholy war because God and State have long been separate, and it is in both cases a male war, fought by male ego. The ego’s role is essentially feminine or receptive, to be guided by the masculine element. When the ego rules instead, it is the feminine masquerading as the masculine, and the cosmic forces are turned upside down. The causes may be just, but the methods will often be wrong because the ego uses force to achieve it’s aim.

We have George Bush and Bin Laden, leading countries into T-error. We all suffer from an identity crisis and a role reversal which will create havoc until it reaches a saturation point, and then it corrects itself.

In the cosmic duality, the world is feminine, and the spirit is masculine. The visible is feminine, the invisible is masculine. The ego is feminine, the spirit is masculine.

Anything with IN•DIVIDE•DUAL form is split by it’s very definition. The ego is the visible chariot, the spirit or soul is the invisible passenger, and God is the charioteer. When the ego is rolling along without the charioteer, it’s wheels get stuck in the mud, or it collides with another ego. What then? How does one give the reins back to the charioteer?

By stopping, becoming still and surrendering.